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Will make a bigger wave in the water indusry with named 'BLUESEN'.

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Employees of BLUESEN Co., Ltd. do not tolerate any behavior that hinders sound corporate activities, and practice the following code of ethics to create a clean and honest corporate culture.

  • Promise with customers
    • 1.Always try our best for customers with great products and services.
      • Listen to customers opinion very carefully and do our job for them.
      • Continue to R&D to provide great products and services that meet the needs of customers.
    • 2.Will strive for security for thorough management and protection of customer information.
      • Set and manage guidelines for customer information-related matters in compliance with laws and regulations.
    • 3.Face our customers with and open attitude that can accommodate their diverse needs.
      • Will accurately identify rapidly changing customer needs and respond promptly to customer needs.
  • Promise to employees
    • 1.Create an equal organization with mutual respect and consideration among members.
      • Will not allow any words or actions that undermine the respect and dignity of our employees, and will always respect and treat them like family.
    • 2.Create a gealthy and safe working environment.
      • Will do our best to strictly comply with all laws and regulations related to safety and provide a safe working environment not only to our employees but also to our partners and all stakeholders.
    • 3.Aim for an open organizational culture that provides equal opportunities and treats everyone fairly.
      • Conduct objective and strict personnel evaluation based only on individual abilities (skills, performance, value) and job-related achievements or competencies. We strive to create an environment in which all members are given equal opportunities and treated equally.
  • Promise to society
    • 1.Strive to become a trusted company that grows together with the company and society.
      • Value corporate social responsibility and will contribute to social development through active business activities and active social contributions.
    • 2.Provide eco-friendly products and services.
      • Will develop products and services that guarantee clean water to everyone.
    • 3.Promote sustainable growth.
      • Will define economic, social and environmental value creation as Bluesen's social responsibility and create shared value through innovation.
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